Thursday, December 4, 2008

Wonder Woman

So this picture I found is not very big. There is not one large enough for this post.

My wife is Wonder Woman. I knew it before Buxton was born, but somehow I know it even more now. She is the superhero of the family. She's the rock star. Last night she proved it again.

Buxton has been sick the past few days. Not a cough and a cold sick. Not take a Tylenol and call me in the morning sick. This was "somebody has to do something daddy finds morally questionable to make Buxton feel better" sick. The mere thought of it sent me to another room.

But Anna did it. She made him feel better. This morning--his four-month birthday no less--he was as happy a little boy as I have ever seen. And I was just as happy, if not more so. After all, we have a superhero in the family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Honey!! Next time, I think I'll make you do it. :)