Sunday, August 30, 2009

No, Nothing To See Here

So here are the pictures I planned to show everyone. Another day at Grandpa and Grammy's house, playing in the hammock with cousin Eve on Friday. Yes, daddy had to lay down on the dirty ground to get some of these shots, but it was Friday so everyone was happy.

First, the standard shot from above:

A little bit more creative now with the knelt, just below the twine shots:

Then the full on "tell Grandpa to help daddy wipe the leaves off his back" shots.

And just when I thought I had all the Buxton playing in netting shots I wanted, this little gem comes along and renders all my effort all but unnecessary. Do enjoy, and try to look past the obvious violation. He is, after all, only a year old. Plus, when mommy and daddy work this long with you on walking they're not about to blow a whistle and make you stop at this point. Special thanks to Anna's parents, the cheering section.

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Vortex

Welcome to my life. Lately a few people began mentioning to me how happy I seem, how happy it seems I am with my little family. Watch this video and answer this question: Can you blame me?

I like to call this video The Vortex. Evidently our home rests squarely upon some until now unforeseen portal into another world, plugged tightly as you will soon see by our remote control. Just watch what happens when we pull that plug. Enjoy.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Effect and Cause

So the other day Anna and I watched as our beautiful son bathed himself, one of many things along with feeding himself meals he no longer needs our help with, and we enjoyed him enjoying splashing so much we decided to take a picture. Isn't he lovely? Yet I know what you're asking. I do. Why would such a sweet little boy need so many baths?

Enter exhibits A through D. Maybe mommy overcooked the blueberries, which she admitted. But I'm pretty sure given to his own druthers he could perform pretty much the same feat with a bar of soap or an ice block.

Doesn't he look like he's having a blast. That face is pretty much permanent right now on all our faces--too happy to talk about it or explain why. Until the baby has enough. Then he gives us one of these, blueberry-fingered and all, peace outs.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Growing Pains

The funniest part of last night came when Buxton answered to "Buckaroo" (just don't dare try it anywhere near his mother), but the most interesting part came a few moments earlier. Anna and I had a meeting for our Infant 2 class at church. Infant 2 basically runs from when a baby starts crawling to when he or she can walk and toddle well enough to move up to the next class. Being the reluctant parents we are, at least when it comes to admitting Buxton is older than he previously was, we had a difficult time even letting Buxton move up to our class. And that was with us as the leaders. It got me thinking what it would take for him to move up again, leaving us behind with all the little babies. Following are a few things that likely will happen before Anna lets Buxton move out of Infant 2 (feel free to share your own):

-Buxton will sprout facial hair
-The Cubs will succesfully defend their World Series championship
-Geico will stop running caveman commercials
-I will start using Facebook, Twitter and those text message thingies
-Some other set of parents will name their child Buxton
-ESPN will go an entire season without showing a Yankees/Red Sox game
-Anna, at a given time, will be completely happy with the length of my hair, toenails and fingernails
-Peyton Manning will stop trying to sell me things
-A presidential debate will include the line, from one of the candidates, "You know, you're probably right. My bad."
-An ASU(of Southern Conference fame) grad will read this post without grimacing, asking for a translator or inducing a confusion headache (because, you see, none of you can're I can I explain this where you'll don't know words good)
-Winthrop will host a parade to celebrate its BCS National Championship

Surely there are others, but I have sports to watch now.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A Week to Remember

What a whirlwind week it was. A week ago today, our little boy turned one year old. It would take more pages than even the internet allows to describe it all, so here are a few pictures. First up, a get together at our house Tuesday night with family (and Riley and EJ, who let's face it, are basically family at this point).

Then came a whole host of sleepless nights and more work by more family members and friends to get ready for Buxton's pool party on Saturday than ever we could thank them for. Sandy and Hank let us bring about 30 people to their house and pool. Scott and Jane made a great macaroni pie, Harrison and Holden helped landscape our yard (technically for the earlier party, but still a job) and mom outdid herself with these two cakes: Buxton's first and one big enough to feed everyone I ever knew.

At the pool party, Buxton showed off his new birthday boxers and even dove in for a little cake, which Anna gave me grief for saying it wasn't up to snuff. You try making an organic cake!

Buxton loved every one of his gifts, at least the ones he had time to play with so far. The first basketball goal, the trucks, the red wagon and a great many noisemaking wonders, just to name a few. Also, there were a few gifts he may not appreciate just yet, like the movie I made for him and the framed onesie he wore the day he was born, a gift more to his mother than him.

Again, I could go on for days on all the excitement. Don't believe me? Read my journals this week. I don't kid when I say I could go on for days. But the best part has to be how happy our incredible little son was amid it all. In fact, maybe the only part that mattered.

Monday, August 3, 2009

The best year we ever knew

So it did come after all. Happy birthday monkey man! Our little boy is one year old today. It's unspeakable and incredible and sadder than Sunday night and happier than my own birthday and as exciting as anything we ever knew before about 42 minutes ago. In fact we would have a post here right at midnight, but mommy and daddy are beyond busy readying for the birthday tomorrow with dinner here and the big boy first birthday party Saturday. I hate to see the best year of my life now behind me, but want to cheer out loud knowing it's only the best year of my life so far. Boy can't I wait for that little boy to wake up!