The funniest part of last night came when Buxton answered to "Buckaroo" (just don't dare try it anywhere near his mother), but the most interesting part came a few moments earlier. Anna and I had a meeting for our Infant 2 class at church. Infant 2 basically runs from when a baby starts crawling to when he or she can walk and toddle well enough to move up to the next class. Being the reluctant parents we are, at least when it comes to admitting Buxton is older than he previously was, we had a difficult time even letting Buxton move up to our class. And that was with us as the leaders. It got me thinking what it would take for him to move up again, leaving us behind with all the little babies. Following are a few things that likely will happen before Anna lets Buxton move out of Infant 2 (feel free to share your own):
-Buxton will sprout facial hair
-The Cubs will succesfully defend their World Series championship
-Geico will stop running caveman commercials
-I will start using Facebook, Twitter and those text message thingies
-Some other set of parents will name their child Buxton
-ESPN will go an entire season without showing a Yankees/Red Sox game
-Anna, at a given time, will be completely happy with the length of my hair, toenails and fingernails
-Peyton Manning will stop trying to sell me things
-A presidential debate will include the line, from one of the candidates, "You know, you're probably right. My bad."
-An ASU(of Southern Conference fame) grad will read this post without grimacing, asking for a translator or inducing a confusion headache (because, you see, none of you can're I can I explain this where you'll don't know words good)
-Winthrop will host a parade to celebrate its BCS National Championship
Surely there are others, but I have sports to watch now.