Wednesday, August 6, 2008

We're home

Thanks for all the thoughts, well wishes and replies. We came home this morning, and everything is "just about perfect" according to the doctors. He is starting to eat better, which was our only concern. He also had two (minor, so say the doctors) surgeries in the past two days. One of the male persuasion and another to clip his tongue leaving only his dad with a deformed licker. We are all doing well, and somehow Anna even figured out how to get a nap in. Thanks again.


Ukk said...

Aww the baby is cute now lets start making budgets

EMU said...

Yay! Keep the pictures coming -- what a cutie! I love the letters; they make for some creative pictures.

Anonymous said...

ben had to get his tongue clipped when he was in the hospital too.
hope you're still good. would love to see you sometime.