Thursday, January 31, 2008


Two of the unlikliest suspects insist on promoting themselves as insane, and I want to know why. How many commercials air for "Crazy Charlie's" or "Wacky Wayne's" used car lot? And how many fireworks stands are operated by "Twisted Ted" or "Slippery Fuse Jackson" or "Weird Willy Boom Boom McBroome"?

Car dealers and firework shops? Really? There are some professions I could see operating out of poor mental health. Rodeo clowns, trapeze artists and daredevils immediately come to mind, mostly because participating in such activities shows in itself--at a minimum--a propensity or inclination toward being unfit for society.

But car dealers and firework sellers, these people must maintain some working level of cognizance. Otherwise bystanders get hurt. I do not want my car bought from or serviced by the Wacko Jacko Auto Mall, where the deals are so good they must be lower level primates. And I do not want my or my neighbor's fireworks coming from the Loopy Rocket Emporium, regardless of whether the inventory is so huge it promises, literally, to blow my mind.

Call me crazy.

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