My feet are as ugly as feet come. Given the chance, I would gladly trade them for just about any other set. The biggest toes barely work. The bones creak and pop in no particular order save that they always do. All but bent and broken completely, my feet accomplish little more than holding me mostly upright--sometimes.
So the idea that these two platforms of dysfunction might be beautiful seems laughable at best, until God says otherwise. Because the Bible states that feet bringing good news are in fact beautiful. Yes, even these wayward walkers can be so much more than what they seem.
Evidently, the aching sounds of age prove little compared to standing firm. And even standing firm only gets a person so far. Beauty lies in the boldness of placing one foot in front of the other and going. Moving ever-forward with the best news ever published upon human hearts, those feet become glorious indeed.
And those feet can be even these feet, or any others that choose their steps well.
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