Sorry again about all the words, so here are more pictures to reward anyone still visiting the site. And sorry about being perhaps the last people in the southern United States to post pictures of the recent snow.
As you can see, Buxton was pumped.

But before we could go out, in what can only be described as foreshadowing, Buxton had to play with what later that same day came to be knows as "the measuring cup of doom." For anyone yet to see me since, we'll call my lip Exhibit A.

I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. One note: the blue snow suit Buxton is wearing was given to Anna by my Aunt Jane only days before the snow. Her boys got it from my cousin David once he outgrew it, evidently, and he got it from me. How about that? These pictures I call "A Walk to Remember," "An Irish Snow Jig," "I've Fallen and I Can't Warm," "Are You Still Taking My Picture" and, lastly, "See, Grandpa, Bring On the Rain, Sleet, Hail and Dead of Night."