Sunday, March 29, 2009

Longing for the Beach

Ok, so it's been quite a while since we updated anything. Probably best, given the past week here. Buxton's been sick. I don't remember the last day I showered. He's taken more baths than a clown in a dunking booth. Hasn't been a lot of fun.

So to lighten things up a bit, a video from two weeks ago and Buxton's first trip to the beach. I think it fair to say he enjoyed himself.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Buzzmaster B

So in the few months we've known our precious child, I've heard or uttered more than a few ideas as to what he might be when he grows up. Let the debate end here. Buxton's new talent makes it clear that he was born to be a hardcore rapper. So, without further delay from me, a sample of the first single laid down by your favorite powder-white rapper and mine, Buzzmaster B!!!

(You may have to turn the volume up for all its worth)